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Jianhua Chen
Phd student

Education Experience:

2015.09 ~ 2019.06: Bachelor's degree in Surveying Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology.

2019.09 ~ 2022.06: Master's degree in Geodesy and Surveying Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology.

2022.09 ~ Present: Ph.D. Candidate in Geodesy and Surveying Engineering, Tongji University.

Research Interests:

Theory, methods, and applications of satellite gravimetry.

Published Papers:

1. Jianhua Chen, Dehong Wei, Xingfu Zhang, and Weichao Li. Correction of Systematic Deviation between Wide-Range GNSS Leveling and Gravity Field Models. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, 2020(08): 76-80.

2.Jianhua Chen, Xingfu Zhang, Qiujie Chen, Jianqing Liang, and Yunzhong Shen. Tongji-GOGR2019S: An Unconstraint Global Gravity Field Model Combining GOCE and GRACE Satellite Data. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2020, 63(09): 3251-3262.

3. Jianhua Chen, Xingfu Zhang, Qiujie Chen, Yunzhong Shen, and Weichao Li. EGMTools: Software for Gravity Field Model Evaluation and Gravity Calculation. Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2020, 40(11): 1139-1144.

4.Jianhua Chen, Xingfu Zhang, Yunzhong Shen, Qiujie Chen, and Weichao Li. Correction and Analysis of Temporal Gravity Field Changes using GOCE Satellite Gravity Gradient Observations. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2021, 50(03): 324-332.

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