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Yufeng Nie
Phd student

Education Experience:

2013.09 ~ 2017.06 Tongji University Bachelor's Degree in Surveying Engineering

2017.09 ~ Present Tongji University PhD in Geodesy and Geomatics

2019.04 ~ 2019.09 University of Stuttgart Visiting PhD Student

2019.10 ~ 2021.10 Technical University of Munich Visiting PhD Student

Research Interests:

Gravity inversion of GRACE/GRACE-FO satellites; Simulation and design of next-generation satellite gravimetry missions

Published Papers:

  1. Nie, Y., Shen, Y., Pail, R., Chen, Q., Xiao, Y. (2022) Revisiting Force Model Error Modelling in GRACE Gravity Field Recovery. Surveys in Geophysics, 43, 1169–1199.

  2. Nie, Y., Shen, Y., Pail, R., Chen, Q. (2022) Efficient variance component estimation for large-scale least-squares problems in satellite geodesy. Journal of Geodesy, 96(13).

  3. Nie, Y., Shen, Y., Chen, Q., Xiao, Y. (2020) Hybrid-precision arithmetic for numerical orbit integration towards future satellite gravimetry missions, Advances in Space Research, 66(3), 671-688.

  4. Nie, Y., Shen, Y., Chen, Q. (2019). Combination Analysis of Future Polar-Type Gravity Mission and GRACE Follow-On. Remote Sensing, 11(2), 200.

  5. Nie, Y., Yang, L., Shen, Y. (2019). Specific Direction-Based Outlier Detection Approach for GNSS Vector Networks. Sensors, 19(8), 1836.

  6. He, X., Hugentobler, U., Schlicht, A., Nie, Y., Duan, B. (2022). Precise orbit determination for a large LEO constellation with inter-satellite links and the measurements from different ground networks: a simulation study. Satellite Navigation, 3:22.

  7. Chen, Q., Wang, F., Shen, Y., Zhang, X., Nie, Y., Chen, J. (2022). Monthly Gravity Field Solutions from Early LEO Satellites’ Observations Contribute to Global Ocean Mass Change Estimates over 1993∼2004. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(21), e2022GL099917.

  8. Yang, L., Nie, Y., Shen, Y. (2019). Characteristic Analysis of 3D Outlier Detection Method for GNSS Network Adjustments. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 145(4), 04019014.

  9. Yu, H., Shen, Y., Yang, L., Nie, Y. (2019). Robust M-estimation using the equivalent weights constructed by removing the influence of an outlier on the residuals. Survey Review, 51(364), 60-69.

Software Copyright:

Nie, Y., Chen, Q., Shen, Y. (2022) GFOSOLT: Simulation software for low-low tracking satellite gravity inversion. Registration number: 2022SR1506524.


2022 Excellent Ph.D. Scholarship, Tongji University

2020 Guanghua

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