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Wei Wang
Ph.D. student

Education Experience:

2015.09 ~ 2019.06 Shandong University of Science and Technology, Bachelor's Degree in Surveying Engineering.

2019.09 ~ Present Tongji University, Integrated Master-PhD Program in Surveying Science and Technology.

Research Interests:

Inversion and application of time-variable gravity field models; Global climate change.

Published Papers:

Wei Wang, Yunzhong Shen*, Jürgen Kusche, Qiujie Chen and Tianyi Chen. Gravitational Potential based Mascon Solution with Spatial Information Constraint Derived from GRACE Data Over Antarctic Ice Sheet, (In preparation).

Wei Wang, Yunzhong Shen*, Fengwei Wang and Weiwei Li. Two Severe Prolonged Hydrological Droughts Analysis over Mainland Australia Using GRACE Satellite Data.Remote Sensing.2021, 13,1432.

●Fengwei Wang, Yunzhong Shen*, Qiujie Chen andWei Wang. Bridging the gap between GRACE and GRACE follow-on monthly gravity field solutions using improved multichannel singular spectrum analysis.Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 594, 125972.

Wei Wang, Yunzhong Shen* and Fengwei Wang. Analysis on the Terrestrial Water Storage Changes in the Congo River basin from 2002 to 2020.Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics (in Chinese), 2021, 41, 5.

Wei Wang, Weiwei Li* and Fengwei Wang. Terrestrial water storage variations in Yangtze River Basin based on Tongji-Grace2018 Temporal Gravity Field Model.Yangtze River (in Chinese), 2020, 51, 10.

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